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Web measurement strategy

The steps for a good web measurement strategy are:

Identify goals

  • The general goals to be achieved must be established depending on the web typologie
  • Later on, the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will control the achievement of the goals have to be selected

Strategic implementation

  • Think and design what needs to be covered on the website to implement the KPIs previously selected.
  • Adapt the previous design to typical features of Google Analytics (events, goals, metrics and custom dimensions, ecommerce...)

Technical implementation

  • Integration of all the above with the source code of the website.
  • Configuration of the property, views creation, configuration of objectives, entry funnels, attribution models...
  • Coding: html, javascript, php, .net or other languages.

Data analysis

  • Analyzing data is not "contemplating" data. Is data good? Is it bad?
  • Basic analysis techniques should be applied:
    • Data segmentation. Analysis of data by subsets of data to extract opportunity niches or error niches.
    • Comparison. By comparing, we will get to know whether the data is good or bad, comparing the data with a reference. Comparing with data from websites of the competitors is difficult, we usually compare with our own data (evolution)
  • Creation of a scorecard that allows at a glance to see the fulfillment of the initial goals through the defined KPIs.
  • If we have an ecommerce, we must be able to easily assign the proportion of revenues that correspond to each marketing channel.

Continuous improvement

  • Tapmetrik allows you to analyze so that the decisions you make help evolving and improving your website in order to maximize business goals.
Pasos para una buena estrategia de medición web